B. Ed. Second Year


Gramin Adarsha Multiple Campus

Tarkeshwar-11, Nepaltar Kathmandu

First Terminal Exam 2079

Level/Year: B. Ed. Second Year                                Full Marks:50

Subject: Real Analysis (Math. Ed.423)                      Pass Marks: 20

Time: 1:30 hrs

Candidates are required to write the answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

                                                                         Group A                                                            10 ´ 1 = 10

Tick ( √ ) the best answer.

1.         Which of  the following set is bounded?

            a)  {3, 7, 12, 20}                      b) The set of whole numbers.

            c) {x: x > 1, xÎ R}                   d) The set of real numbers.

2.         A real number a is non-negative if

            a) a Î R            b) a Î {0} È R-             c) a Î {0} È R+         d)  a Ï R+ È R-

3.         Which of the following statement is false?

            a) every finite set is closed                                     b) an empty set is an open

            c) interior of a set S is an open subset of S.     d) union of open sets is not open.

4.         The sequence < 1 + (- 1)n ) has

            a) no limit points                      b) 0 as a limit point

            c) 2 as a limit point                  d) 0 and 2 a limit points

5.         The sequence < un> is said to be convergent to a number l if for any e > 0 $    m Î N  such that

            a) |un  - l| < e " n ³ m                             b) |un - l| £ e " n ³ m.

            c) |un  - l| > e " n ³ m                              d) |un - l| ³ e " n ³ m.

6.         Which of the following is an oscillatory sequence?

a) < +1>            b) < n >        c) <(-1/n)n>           d) All of above

7.         The value of lim n 1/n is

 a) 1                            b) 0                         c) ¥                         d) e

8.     Which of the following is not true sentence?

a) Every sequence has a monotonies 

b) Every sequence has a bounded subsequence

c) Every bounded sequence has a convergent setsquare

d) Every subsequence of a divergent sequence divergent to the same  limit

9.   Which of the following is true?

      a) Every bounded sequence has at least one limit point

      b) The set of limit point of a bounded sequence is bonded

      c) The limit point e of every sequence is a closed set            

      d) All of above

10. Which of the following is an open set?

a) The set R of real numbers                     b) the set Q of rationales numbers

c) The closed interval numbers                 d) {1/n:nÎN}                       

 Group B                                     4 ´ 7 = 28

1.      State and prove Archimedean Property.

OR   Prove that the supremum and infimum of a set if exist are unique

2.      Prove that the union of any finite number of closed set is closed. By taking suitable example prove that the union of infinite number of closed sets is not closed.

3.      Define limit point of a sequence. Prove that a sequence cannot converge to more than one limit point.

4.      Define monotonic sequence with example. Prove that a monotonic sequence is convergent if and only if it is bounded.

                                                  Group C                               1 ´ 12 = 12

5.   (a) Define convergent sequence. Prove that a sequence cannot to more than one limit point.

       (b) Prove that: a sequence u is convergent if and only if to each given e > 0 $ m Î N such that 

| un + p – un½< e " n ³ m, Ù p ³ 0.

Best of Luck

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