Course Outlines

·       Equations and shapes of  ellipsoid and hyperboloid

·       Intersection of a line with a conicoid

·       Equation of a tangent plane

·       Condition of tangency

·       Equation of normal

·       Cubic curves through the feet of the normals and cone through six normals,

·       Director sphere

·       The plane of contact

·       Polar plane of a point

·       Pole of a given line

·       Properties of polar planes and polar lines

·       Locus of chords bisected at a given point

·       Locus of middle points of a system of parallel chord

·       Enveloping cone and enveloping cylinder

·       Diametral plane and principal plane

·       Conjugate diameter and conjugate diametral planes of ellipsoid

·       Properties of conjugate semi-diameters.