Course title: Calculus Full marks: 100
Course No: Math Ed. 417 Pass marks: 35
Nature of the course: Theory Periods per week: 6
Level: B.Ed. Total periods: 150
Year: First Time per period: 55 minutes
1. Course Description
course is designed to acquaint students with the fundamental principles,
techniques and applications of differential calculus, integral calculus and
differential equations. It aims to helps them to build foundation for higher
studies in mathematics.
2. General Objectives
The general objectives of this
course are as follows:
· To provide the
students with an in-depth understanding of the techniques, principles and
applications of the differential calculus.
To make the
students familiar with the expansion of various
functions in finite and infinite series.
· To enable the
students in applying the differential calculus to solve the problems of other
branches of mathematics and the problems of maxima and minima.
· To impart
knowledge to the students in using differential calculus to study the
properties of tangent and normal of a curve, rate of change of a curve.
· To enable the
students in applying the properties of tangent normal, curvature and asymptotes
in tracing and reading the properties of the curves.
· To provide the
students with deeper understanding of the techniques, principles and
application of integral calculus.
· To orient the
students to the nature of the envelope, derive its equation and apply them in
describing family of curves.
To familiarize
the students in using integral calculus to evaluate the area of plane curves,
lengths of arcs, and volumes and surfaces of the solids of revolution.
To make the
students able in writing the differential equation as an alternative form to
the different types of the family of curves.
To make the
students able in applying differential equations to derive geometrical
properties and to solve physical problems
Objectives |
Contents |
Explain the limit
and continuity in terms of e, d. |
Unit I: Limits and Continuity (6) 1.1 Use of e – d in finding limit 1.2 Continuity and discontinuity 1.3 Geometrical
meaning of continuity and discontinuity |
Find the
differential coefficient of different types of functions. ·
Explain the
meaning successive differentiation. ·
Find the higher
order derivatives of some specific functions. ·
State and prove
Liebnitz theorem. |
Unit II: Higher Order Derivatives (8) 2.1 Differentiation
of hyperbolic and step functions 2.2
Definitions and notations of higher
order derivatives 2.3 nth order derivative of the functions as xm,
sin(ax+b), log(ax+b) etc. 2.4 Leibnitz theorem |
Prove mean
value theorems. ·
Rolles' theorem, Lagranges' mean value theorem and Cauchy's mean value
theorem. ·
Verify the mean
value theorems for some functions. ·
Prove ·
Expand some
functions in finite and infinite forms by using Maclaurin's series. |
Unit III: Expansion of Functions (12) 3.1 Rolle's Theorem 3.2 Lagrange's
mean value theorem 3.3 Canchy's mean
value theorem 3.4 3.5 Maclaurins'
theorem 3.6 Verfication
of Rolle's theorem, Lagrange's mean
value theorem and Cauchy's mean value theorem 3.7 Expansion of functions ex, sinx, logx
etc. in finite and infinite forms using Maclaurin's series |
Prove and
generalize L Hospital's theorem. ·
Find the limits
of functions of different indeterminate forms. |
Unit IV: Indeterminate forms (5) 4.1 Examples of various indeterminate forms 4.2 L hospital's
theorem (of ¸ form) and its generalization 4.3 Indeterminate
forms: 4.4 Limits of functions of indeterminate forms |
Define partial
derivatives w.r.t. x, y and z. ·
geometrically the partial derivatives of first order of two variables. ·
Find partial
derivatives of higher order. ·
State and prove
Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions and verify the theorem. ·
Explain total
differentials. ·
Find |
Unit V: Partial differentiation (10) 5.1 Limits and continuity of functions of two variables 5.2 Definition of
partial derivatives and interpretation of first order 5.3 Partial
derivatives of higher order 5.4 Homogeneous
functions and Euler's theorem on two and three variables with its converse 5.5 Theorems on
total differentials 5.6 Theorem on
the derivative of composite functions 5.7 Differentiation of implicit functions |
Derive equation of tangent and normal of curves in explicit, implicit
and parametric forms. ·
Find the angle of intersection of the curves in Cartesian and polar
forms. ·
Find the length of tangent, normal, sub-tangent and subnormal in
Cartesian and polar forms. ·
Find the derivative of arc length in Cartesian and polar forms. ·
Derive the angle between radius vector and tangent. ·
Find the length of perpendicular from pole on tangent. ·
Find pedal equation of the
curves in Cartesian & polar forms. |
Unit VI: Tangent and 6.1 Equation
of tangent and normal 6.2 Problems on tangent and normal 6.3
Angle of intersection of the curves in
Cartesian and polar forms 6.4
Length of tangent, normal, subtangent,
subnormal in Cartesian and polar forms 6.5
Derivative of are length (Cartesian
and polar form) 6.6 Angle between radius vector and tangent 6.7 Pedal equation of Cartesian and polar
curves |
· Define
increasing and decreasing functions, concavity, convexity, point of
inflection, stationary point, saddle point. ·
necessary and sufficient conditions for maximum and minimum. ·
Determine the
conditions for maximum and minimum of the functions of two and three
variables. ·
Solve the
problems on maximum and minimum (application type). |
Unit VII: Maxima and Minima (10) 7.1 Definitions of increasing and decreasing functions, concavity, convexity, point
of inflection, stationary point, and
saddle point 7.2 Conditions for concavity and convexity 7.3 Necessary and sufficient condition for maximum and
minimum offunctions of one, two or three variables. 7.4 Extreme values under subsidiary conditions 7.5 Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers 7.6 Problems on maxima and minima of two or three
variables |
To give meaning
of curvature ·
Find radius of
curvature of different curves. ·
Find radius of
curvature at origin ·
Deduce the
chord of curvature through the origin (pole). ·
Define center
of curvature, circle of curvature, evolutes, involutes. ·
Deduce the
expressions for center of curvature. |
Unit VIII: Curvature (10) 8.1 Definition of curvature and its intuitive
meaning 8.2 Radius of curvature of different types of
curves 8.3 Curvature at origin 8.4 Chord of curvature through the origin
(pole) 8.5 Center of curvature 8.6 Circle of curvature 8.7 Center of curvature and its property |
asymptotes. ·
Find asymptotes
parallel to x-axis and y-axis. ·
Find oblique
asymptotes. ·
Find asymptotes
of curves in polar form. |
Unit IX: Asymptotes (6) 9.1 Definition of asymptotes with illustration
in figure 9.2 Asymptotes parallel and non-parallel to the
axes 9.3 Asymptotes of algebraic curves 9.4 Asymptotes of polar curves |
Describe rules
for tracing curves in Cartesian and polar forms. ·
Trace some
well-known curves in Cartesian and polar forms. ·
Define envelope. |
Unit X: Curve Tracing (6) 10.1 Rules for tracing Cartesian and polar
curves 10.2 Tracing curves of some well known curves |
Give analytical
definition of envelope of one parameter family of curves. ·
envelope of one parameter family of curves. ·
Define two
parameter family of curves. ·
envelope of two parameter family of curves. |
Unit XI: Envelope (6) 11.1 Envelope and its examples 11.2 Envelope of straight lines 11.3 Envelope of a family of curves 11.4 Envelope of two parametric family of curves |
different types of functions of standard forms by different methods |
Unit XII: Indefinite Integral (6) 12.1 Integration of some standard integrals |
Define integration
as the limit of a sum. ·
Give the geometrical
interpretation of ·
To state and
prove the theorems and properties of definite- integral. ·
Solve the
problems of definite integral by definition and using properties. ·
Find the
integration of infinite (or improper) integrals. |
Unit XIII: Definite integral (6) 13.1 Integration as the limit of a sum 13.2 Geometrical interpretation of 13.3 General properties of definite integral 13.4 Methods of evaluating infinite (or
improper) integrals |
Find the
reduction formula for some standard integrals. ·
Define Beta and
Gamma function. ·
Prove the
properties of beta and gamma functions. ·
Apply the
properties of Beta & Gamma functions to evaluate some integrals. |
Unit XIV: Reduction formulae, and Beta and Gamma
functions (10) 14.1 Reduction formulae for some special
functions 14.2 Definition of Beta and Gamma functions 14.3 Properties of Beta and Gamma functions |
Find area of
the curves in both Cartesian and polar forms. ·
Find the
sectorial area of plane regions. ·
Find the length
of arc of curve in both Cartesian and polar forms. ·
Find the
intrinsic equation from Cartesian, Polar and Pedal equations. ·
Find the
surface area and volume of solids of revolution: the axes of revolution being
the x-axis, y-axis or any line in the plane. |
Unit XV: Quadrature, Rectification, Volume and
Surface Area of Revolution (16) 15.1 Area in Cartesian coordinates 15.2 Area in polar coordinates 15.3 Area between two curves 15.4 Length of the arc of curve in Cartesian and
polar form 15.5
Intrinsic equations from Cartesian and polar equations 15.6 Volume of solids of revolution 15.7 Surface area of solids of revolution (the
axes being x-axis, y-axis or any line |
Form the family
of curves in terms of differential equation and interpret geometrically the
meaning of differential equation. ·
Solve equation
of the first order and first degree homogeneous linear equations. ·
Solve equations
of first order but not of the first degree solvable for p, x or y. ·
Solve linear
differential equations with constant coefficients. ·
homogeneous linear equations. |
Unit XVI: Differential Equations (15) 16.1 Ordinary differential equation of first
degree 16.1.1 Meaning Concept and Definitions 16.1.2 Concept of ordinary differentiation
equation 16.1.3 General and particular solution 16.1.4 Change of variable 16.1.5 Homogeneous equations 16.1.6 Equations reducible to homogeneous
equations 16.1.7 Linear differential equation 16.1.8 Equations reduciable to linear form 16.1.9 Concepts and types of orthogonal and
oblique trajectories 16.2
Linear differential equations with
constant coefficients 16.2.2 Equation of the second order 16.2.2 Auxiliary equation and their
roots, complimentary functions 16.2.3 Particular Integral 16.2.4 Methods of finding particular Integral |
4. Instructional
Because of the theoretical nature of the course, teacher-cantered instructional techniques will be mostly used in teaching learning process. The teacher will adopt the following methods/techniques.
4.1 General Instructional Techniques
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Demonstration
- Problem solving
4.1 Specific Instruction Techniques
5. Evaluation
Students will be evaluated on the
basis of the written classroom test in between and at the end of the academic
session, the classroom participation, presentation of the reports and other
practical activities. The scores obtained will be used only for the feedback
purposes. The Office of the Controller of Examinations will conduct the annual
examination at the end of year to evaluate students' performance. The types,
number and marks of the subjective and objective questions will be as follows.
Types of questions |
Total questions to be asked |
Number of questions to be answered and marks allocated |
Total marks |
Group A: Multiple choice items |
20 questions |
20 x 1 mark |
20 |
Group B: Short answer questions |
8 with 3 'or' questions |
8 x 7 marks |
56 |
Group C: Long answer questions |
2 with 1 'or' question |
2 x 12 marks |
24 |
6. Recommended Books
and References
Recommended Books
Koirala, S. P., Pandey, U. N., Pahari, N.
& Pokharel, P. (2008). A textbook on integral calculus.
Koirala, S. P., Pandey. U.N. & Pahari,
N. P. (2007). A textbook on differential calculus
(2nd ed.).
Maskey, S.M. (2008). Calculus.
Das, B. C. & Mukerjee, B.N. (2007). Differential calculus.
Das, B. C. & Mukerjee, B.N. (2007). Integral calculus.
Ghosh, R.K. & Maity K.C. (2002). An introduction to analysis – Differential
calculus part II,
Ghosh, R.K., Maity, K.C. (1998). An introduction to analysis - Differential
calculus part I (9th ed.)
Narayan, S. (1998). Differential calculus.
Pant, G.D. & Shrestha, G.S. (2007). Integral calculus (4th ed.).
Thomas, G. B. & Finney, R. L. (2004).
Calculus (9th ed).
Upreti, K. N. (2007). Differential calculus.